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Fusion Belly Dance
Technique & Artistry
ALYASATI Fusion Bellydance School
My goal is to empower dancers who may be feeling disconnected from their bodies or those who aspire to elevate their artistry in the world of FUSION BELLYDANCE.
My intention is to help them regain their CONFIDENCE, reconnect with their AUTHENTIC self-expression, and establish a deep SOMATIC connection between body and mind.
Imagine yourself feeling fully EMPOWERED and intimately CONNECTED to your body.
Imagine the FREEDOM you will gain in the way you dance.
Imagine connecting with your CREATIVE MUSE who is free from limitations.
Imagine how you will feel joining a SUPPORTIVE & PASSIONATE community of dancers
Remember, it's never too late to pursue your dreams and embark on your Fusion Bellydance journey. You can become the DANCER you've always DREAMED of being.

Join the Alyasati Collective in Studio or Online
Sarah is the director of Alyasati Fusion Bellydance School and is a dedicated lifelong dancer who trained intensively in Classical Ballet and Contemporary dance before she found her love in Fusion Bellydance, inspired by the dances from the MENAHT region (Middle East, North Africa, Hellenic/Greek, and Turkey) and Central Asia.
The dance form is her platform for soul and artistic expression allowing her to explore emotions and archetypes within herself. Sarah experiences Fusion Bellydance as a devotional and spiritual practice.

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